Take part in a new sauna experience at The Freehouse in Minneapolis - Axios Twin Cities

2022-08-12 20:23:20 By : Ms. Elsa Lee

Axios Twin Cities is an Axios company.

A Nordic sauna is coming to Minneapolis' North Loop.

What's happening: The Freehouse partnered with Duluth's Cedar & Stone to install a wood-fired Finnish sauna on its patio.

Details: Tickets for the sessions, which include 75 minutes between the two structures guided by a "sauna concierge," a charcuterie board and "sauna-inspired" cocktail or mocktail, cost $149 a piece.

What they're saying: Blue Plate Restaurant Company's Stephanie Shimp told Axios she hopes the partnership promotes wellness and helps patrons make the most of the cold winter weeks ahead.

Of note: The experience is private, so you won't be partnered with people outside your party of up to four.

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